Chair Of California Democratic Party Eric Bauman Will Take Leave Of Absence To Get Treatment For Alcohol Abuse As He Is Being Investigated By His Party For Sexual Harassment Allegations (news)

submitted ago by think-

Eric Bauman, the chair of the California Democratic Party will take a leave of absence to get treatment for alcohol abuse and other health issues as he battles allegation of sexual misconduct from staffers

Eric Bauman is being investigated by the party for alleged sexual misconduct and apologised in a statement released on Wednesday.

He is the first openly gay leader of the California Democratic Party but one of his deputies called for him to be removed because of claims of sexual harassment and assault.

In a statement today he said that he will now be taking a leave of absence to get treatment for alcohol abuse and other medical issues.

Bauman said:

'The events of the last few days have given me the opportunity to reflect on my actions and their potential effect on other people. I deeply regret if my behavior has caused pain to any of the outstanding individuals with whom I've had the privilege to work.

I appreciate the courage it took for these individuals to come forward to tell their stories.

I will use the time I am on leave to immediately seek medical intervention to address serious, ongoing health issues and to begin treatment for what I now realize is an issue with alcohol.

Leading the California Democratic Party to historic victories has been the honor of a lifetime, and I look forward to continuing this important work upon the conclusion of the investigation and when my health allows.'

The party has now hired an outside investigator to look into the allegations.

Bauman released the statement in response to a story in the Los Angeles Times that detailed complaints of sexually explicit remarks and unwanted touching by male and female staff members.

Bauman recently said that rumours alleging he is a child molester were not true.

'Los Angeles County Democratic Party Chairman Eric Bauman, a front-runner in the race to lead the state party, has sent an email to California Democrats saying he's been targeted by false rumors of "engaging in inappropriate behavior with 14- and 16-year-old boys," it was reported Monday.

Bauman said he decided to send the email Sunday after members of his campaign team, while calling California Democratic Party delegates to ask for their support, reported that at least four people said they had heard the rumor, the Los Angeles Times reported.'

Previous posts about Bauman on v/pizzagate:

[–] BBCRAJINIV 3 points (+3|-0) ago  (edited ago)

Eric Bauman (Happy Hanukkah?)

[–] 1Sorry_SOB 2 points (+2|-0) ago 

Another liberal Jew turns out to be a sexual degenerate.


[–] obvious_throwaway1 1 points (+1|-0) ago 

Little known fact, this defense works extremely well in corporate America if you are at risk of being fired.

  • Do something stupid. Anything that would normally get someone fired.
  • Immediately use the employee EAP (employee assistance program) to seek care for alcohol abuse.
  • Begin "treatment" which can last for several years, during which time it is absolutely impossible to fire you under threat of lawsuit.
  • Usually have a new boss or even a new job at the same company by the time the treatment period has ended.

I watch guys use this one all the time.

[–] edistojim 1 points (+1|-0) ago 

"engaging in inappropriate behavior with 14- and 16-year-old boys,"

Democrat leader from Commifornia. Sounds about right.

[–] JopharVorin 0 points (+0|-0) ago  (edited ago)

TYPICAL JEWISH BEHAVIOR. jews are sexual predators.

[–] AdamLanza 0 points (+0|-0) ago 

Ha ha, faggot!

[–] SpottyMatt 0 points (+0|-0) ago 

Hold up.

Is this Eric Bauman?

[–] think- [S] 1 points (+1|-0) ago 

I don't think so. Different dude.

[–] QuickMafs 0 points (+0|-0) ago 

Believe all woman (that accuse democrats)